Pursuant to consolidation Act 778 of August 7, 2019 on Universities (the University Act), the following is established. The programme also follows the Examination Policies and Procedures incl. the Joint Programme Regulations for Aalborg University.
The Bachelor’s programme is organised in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Order no. 2285 of December 1, 2021 on Full-time University Programmes (the University Programme Order) and Ministerial Order no. 2271 of December 1, 2021 on University Examinations (the Examination Order). Further reference is made to Ministerial Order no. 104 of January 24, 2021 (the Admission Order) and Ministerial Order no. 114 of February 3, 2015 (the Grading Scale Order).
The programme is offered in Aalborg.
The Bachelor’s programme falls under Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aalborg University.
The Bachelor’s programme falls under Study Board of International and Cross¿Cultural Studies
The Bachelor’s programme is associated with the external examiners corps on International and European Studies.
In order to be admitted to the Bachelor's programme in Language and International Studies, English, at Aalborg University, you need to meet the following entry requirements or to document equivalent qualifications:
The Bachelor's programme entitles the graduate to the Danish designation Bachelor (BA) i sprog og internationale studier, engelsk. The English designation is: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Language and International Studies, English.
The Bachelor’s programme is a 3-year, research-based, full-time study programme. The programme is set to 180 ECTS credits.
The Study Board can approve that passed programme elements from other educational programmes at the same level replaces programme elements within this programme (credit transfer).
Furthermore, the Study Board can, upon application, approve that parts of this programme is completed at another university or a further education institution in Denmark or abroad (pre-approval of credit transfer).
The Study Board’s decisions regarding credit transfer are based on an academic assessment.
The Study Board’s possibilities to grant exemption, including exemption to further examination attempts and special examination conditions, are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website: https://www.studyservice.aau.dk/rules
The rules for examinations are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website: https://www.studyservice.aau.dk/rules
In the assessment of all written work, irrespective of the language in which this is written, the student’s spelling skills and fluency will be considered. The assessment of linguistic performance will be based on orthographic correctness, formal academic writing standards and stylistic proficiency. The linguistic performance will always be assessed as an independent dimension in the overall assessment. However, no examination will be awarded an overall pass grade solely on the basis of good linguistic performance, whereas an examination whose aim is linguistic proficiency in a particular language can be awarded a fail grade solely on the basis of very poor linguistic performance.
The Bachelor Project must include an abstract in either Danish or English. The abstract is included in the overall evaluation of the project.
It is assumed that the student can read academic texts in English and use reference works, etc., in English.
The following competence profile will appear on the diploma:
A graduate of the Bachelor's programme has competencies acquired through an educational programme that has taken place in a research environment.
A graduate of the Bachelor's programme has fundamental knowledge of and insight into his/her subject's methods and scientific foundation. These properties qualify the graduate of the Bachelor’s programme for further education in a relevant Master’s programme as well as for employment on the basis of the educational programme
The Bachelor
In terms of fields of knowledge, understanding, and reflection, the overall objectives of the students’ acquisition of knowledge and understanding are that, on completion of the Bachelor program, students will have acquired:
problems in international studies relating to areas such as international human rights and the UN Sustainable Development goals
use of English as a global lingua franca, by which is meant as an international professional, diplomatic
The objectives of the acquisition of skills are that, on completion of their Bachelor studies, students will be able to:
The overall objectives of the acquisition of competencies are that, on completion of their Bachelor studies, students will be able to:
The general objective of the Bachelor program in Language and International Studies, English is to enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies required in order to work independently within the program's subject areas at a level which meets international standards.
The program is divided into multiple modules and organized as a problem-based study program. A module is a subject element or a group of subject elements whose purpose is to provide students with a set of academic and professional qualifications within a stipulated time frame in relation to a determined number of ECTS credits. A module is completed by one or a number of examinations according to an examination schedule stipulated and defined in relation to the curriculum and study regulations
Study and Evaluation forms
The program is based on a combination of problem-oriented, and interdisciplinary academic approaches, structured as a mixture of the following study and evaluation forms combining academic skills and reflection.
These include:
Study Stay abroad
Students are recommended to choose to include a credit-awarding study stay at a university abroad in their Bachelor program. The Study Board must approve students’ choice of courses at the foreign university in advance. Study abroad may be taken in either the 3rd, 4th, or 5th semester of the program. Study abroad may be used to help specialize students’ profiles for master’s study and professional life.
Examination regulations
In the assessment of examinations, grades from the Danish 7-point grading scale or a pass/fail grade will be awarded.
Examinations will be either internal or external (i.e., using an internal or external censor). If no other regulations are stated, examinations will be assessed by the examiner and a second internal or external examiner (the “censor”).
If no other regulations are stated, examinations will be conducted in English. This applies to both written and oral examinations.
Projects may be prepared in groups of a maximum of six students. Bachelor projects may be prepared in groups of maximum four students.
Project examinations will normally take the following shape:
An oral project examination based on the students’ written work, whether prepared individually or in cooperation with others. Students who have prepared a project report jointly will participate in the examination as a group. The group will be jointly responsible for the project report or other written work conducted by the group. The project report constitutes the point of departure for the examination, the oral examination taking the form of a conversation around the project. An overall assessment of the project and the oral performance will form the basis of the grade. At group examinations, the examination must be conducted in such a way that individual assessment of each individual student’s performance is ensured, cf. the Examination Order.
The prescribed examination duration is 20 minutes per student and 10 minutes per group for deliberations and grading. However, the maximum duration for large groups is two hours, and the maximum duration of an individual examination is 30 minutes.
All students may request to receive their assessments in private. Students should inform the examiner of this request when the examination begins.
The volume of written work
Where rules have been stipulated regarding the volume of written work, one page corresponds to 2400 characters, including spaces. The number of pages only includes the actual body text of the report; a title page, preface, table of contents, bibliography, abstract, appendices, and the first full reference to a text in Chicago Style footnotes will not be calculated. However, discursive notes will be included in the calculation of total number of pages, as will subsequent references to texts in Chicago Style. Illustrations will not be calculated.
All written exam papers must follow either MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.
Oral examinations
The stipulated time for oral examinations will include assessment and the communication of results.
Assessment of written work
In the assessment of all written work, irrespective of the language in which this is written, the students’ spelling skills and fluency will be considered. The assessment of linguistic performance will be based on academic writing standards and stylistic proficiency. The linguistic performance will always be assessed as an integrated dimension in the overall assessment.
Rules concerning the progress of the Bachelor's programme
The student must participate in all first-year examinations by the end of the first year of study in the Bachelor's programme, in order to be able to continue the programme. The first year of study must be passed by the end of the second year of study, in order that the student can continue his/her Bachelor’s programme.
In special cases, however, the Study Board may grant exemption from the above.
Annual full-time equivalent
The study elements on which the individual examinations are based are rated as proportions of an annual full-time equivalent, this being calculated as the annual work of a full-time student, including holidays. An annual full-time equivalent is 60 ECTS credits.
Weighted average
In order for a student to graduate from the program, each examination must be passed with a minimum grade of 02 or a ‘pass’ grade. A weighted average will be calculated for the examinations assessed according to the 7-point scale, on the basis of the ECTS weight of each individual examination. The “average” is defined as the sum of individual grades, each multiplied by the ECTS credits of the examination in question, divided by the sum of the ECTS credits of the examinations included in the average.
Examinations assessed as pass/fail will not be included in this calculation. The average grade with one decimal digit will appear on the examination certificate.
Examination regulations stipulated in the curriculum will always be subordinate to the Examination Policies and Procedures in force at Aalborg University.
In the assessment of examinations, grades from the 7-point grading scale or a pass/fail grade will be awarded.
Examinations will be either internally or externally co-examined. If no other provisions are stated, examinations will be assessed by the examiner along with a second internal or an external examiner.
Offered as:
1-professional | ||||||
Study programme: | ||||||
Module name | Course type | ECTS | Applied grading scale | Evaluation method | Assessment method | Language |
1 Semester
| ||||||
Introduction to Problem-based Learning in International Studies
(BALISE2201) | Course | 5 | Passed/Not Passed | Internal examination | Active participation/continuous evaluation | Danish |
Introduction to International Studies Project
(BALISE2202) | Project | 10 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Oral exam based on a project | English |
Introduction to International Studies: Disciplines, Issues and Approaches
(BALISE2203) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
20th and 21st Century World History
(BALISE2204) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Academic Communication and Grammar
(BALISE2205) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
2 Semester
| ||||||
Project in Language, Politics and Society
(BALISE2206) | Project | 10 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Oral exam based on a project | English |
Discourse Studies: Theories and Methods
(BALISE2207) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Contemporary Social and Political Discourses
(BALISE2208) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Key Concepts in the Humanities and Social Sciences
(BALISE2209) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
English Communication and Grammar
(BALISE2210) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Written exam | English |
3 Semester
| ||||||
International Relations Project
(BALISE2211) | Project | 10 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Oral exam based on a project | English |
Theories of International Relations
(BALISE2212) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Contemporary International Conflicts
(BALISE2213) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Political Philosophy
(BALISE2214) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Written exam | English |
Professional Genre Writing
(BALISE2215) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
4 Semester
| ||||||
Intercultural Studies Project
(BALISE2216) | Project | 10 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Oral exam based on a project | English |
Social and Cultural Globalization: Theories and Issues
(BALISE2217) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
International and Intercultural Communication
(BALISE2218) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
International Human Rights
(BALISE2219) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Written exam | English |
Religion, Society, and Politics
(BALISE2220) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
5 Semester
| ||||||
Organization Studies Project
(BALISE2221) | Project | 10 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Oral exam based on a project | English |
Organization Studies: Theories and Methods
(BALISE2222) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
International Organizations
(BALISE2223) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Written exam | English |
Policy Analysis
(BALISE2224) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
5th Semester Elective Courses
Choose one Elective Course
| 5 | |||||
6 Semester
| ||||||
Bachelor Project
(BALISE2225) | Project | 15 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Master's thesis/final project | English |
Advanced Writing Workshop
(BALISE2226) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Written exam | English |
6th Semester Elective Courses
Choose two Elective Courses
| 10 |
The modules addressing Philosophy of Science and Methodology are the following:
5th Semester Elective Courses Choose one Elective Course | ||||||
Module name | Course type | ECTS | Applied grading scale | Evaluation Method | Assessment method | Language |
Methods in Quantitative Research
(BALISE2227) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
International Migration Studies
(BALISE2233) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
6th Semester Elective Courses Choose two Elective Courses | ||||||
Module name | Course type | ECTS | Applied grading scale | Evaluation Method | Assessment method | Language |
International Political Economy
(BALISE2230) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
European Union
(BALISE2231) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Corporate Social Responsibility
(BALISE2232) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
Language, Communication and Professional Practice
(BAINV2219) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | External examination | Written exam | English |
Media Analysis
(BALISE2229) | Course | 5 | 7-point grading scale | Internal examination | Written exam | English |
The elective modules listed are offered subject to sufficient numbers of applications as determined by the Board of Studies or sufficient numbers of places in the existing class in the case that the module in question is offered by another Board of Studies.
The Study Board displays and maintains more detailed information on the program, including examinations, on its website and its central communication forums.
The curriculum is approved by the dean and enters into force as of 01.09.2022.
The Study Board does not offer teaching after the previous curriculum from 2020 after the summer examination/winter examination 2024.
The Study Board will offer examinations after the previous curriculum, if there are students who have used examination attempts in a module without passing. The number of examination attempts follows the rules in the Examination Order.
Prodekanen for uddannelse har den 30. august 2022 godkendt en ændring i prøveformen i følgende moduler gældende fra efteråret 2022:
Prodekanen for uddannelse har den 7. september 2022 godkendt en ændring i prøven i modulet "Centrale begreber i humaniora og samfundsvidenskab" gældende fra efteråret 2022.
Prodekanen for uddannelse har den 22. september 2022 godkendt, at der oprettes to valgfagsgrupper i stedet for én fælles valgfagsgruppe for henholdsvis 5. og 6. semester gældende fra efteråret 2022.
Prodekanen for uddannelse har den 7. marts 2023 godkendt, at valgfaget "Gender and International Studies" udskiftes med valgfaget "International Migration Studies" på 5. semester. Dispensationen er gældende fra efteråret 2023.
Prodekanen for uddannelse har den 12. juni 2024 godkendt en revidering af valgfagsgrupperne på 5. og 6. semester. Dispensationen er gældende fra efteråret 2024.
Prodekanen for uddannelse har den 25. august 2024 godkendt at uddannelsesoversigterne i § 17 slettes. Dispensationen er gældende fra efteråret 2024.
I februar 2025 er Engelsk B ændret til Engelsk A i § 7, jf. adgangsbekendtgørelsens bilag 1.