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Curriculum for the Master's Programme in Geography - 2018 - Aalborg

Pursuant to Act 172 of February 27, 2018 on Universities (the University Act) with subsequent changes, the following curriculum for the Master's programme in Geography is stipulated. The programme also follows the Joint Programme Regulations and the Examination Policies and Procedures for The Technical Faculty of IT and Design, The Faculty of Engineering and Science, and The Faculty of Medicine

This curriculum takes effect as from September 1, 2018.

The Master’s programme is organised in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Order no. 1328 of November 15, 2016 on Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes at Universities (the Ministerial Order of the Study Programmes) with subsequent changes and Ministerial Order no. 1062 of June 30, 2016 on University Examinations (the Examination Order) with subsequent changes. Further reference is made to Ministerial Order no. 106 of February 12, 2018 (the Admission Order) and Ministerial Order no. 114 of February 3, 2015 (the Grading Scale Order).

Two-disciplinary educational programmes are futhermore planned in accordance with guideline No. 9292 of April 26, 2018 (Retningslinjer for universitetsuddannelser rettet mod undervisning i de gymnasiale uddannelser samt undervisning i gymnasiale fag i eux-forløb).

The programme is offered in Aalborg.

The Master’s programme falls under The The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University.

The Master’s programme falls under The Study Board of Built Environment

The Master’s programme is associated with the external examiners corps on Geography

All students applying must document English language qualifications comparable to an ‘English B level’ in the Danish upper secondary school (minimum average grade 02).

Applicants with a legal right of admission (retskrav)

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography, Aalborg University

Applicants without legal right of admission

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology, Aalborg University
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Urban, Energy and Environmental Planning, Aalborg University
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography and Geoinformatics, Copenhagen University
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography, Roskilde University
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geoscience, Aarhus University
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geology - Geoscience, Copenhagen University

Admission to the two-disciplinary master’s degree additionally requires a two-disciplinary bachelor’s degree. 

The Master’s programme entitles the graduate to the Danish designation Cand.scient. i geografi. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Geography.


Cand.scient. i geografi og [sidefag].The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Geography and [other subject].

The Master’s programme is a 2-year, research-based, full-time study programme. The programme is set to 120 ECTS credits.

The Study Board can approve that passed programme elements from other educational programmes at the same level replaces programme elements within this programme (credit transfer).

Furthermore, the Study Board can, upon application, approve that parts of this programme is completed at another university or a further education institution in Denmark or abroad (pre-approval of credit transfer).

The Study Board’s decisions regarding credit transfer are based on an academic assessment.

The Study Board’s possibilities to grant exemption, including exemption to further examination attempts and special examination conditions, are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website:

The rules for examinations are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website:

In the assessment of all written work, regardless of the language it is written in, weight is also given to the student's formulation and spelling ability, in addition to the academic content. Orthographic and grammatical correctness as well as stylistic proficiency are taken as a basis for the evaluation of language performance. Language performance must always be included as an independent dimension of the total evaluation. However, no examination can be assessed as ‘Pass’ on the basis of good language performance alone; similarly, an examination normally cannot be assessed as ‘Fail’ on the basis of poor language performance alone.

The Study Board can grant exemption from this in special cases (e.g., dyslexia or a native language other than Danish).

The Master’s Thesis must include an English summary. If the project is written in English, the summary can be in Danish. The summary is included in the evaluation of the project as a whole.

At programmes that are taught in Danish, it is assumed that the student can read academic texts in modern Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English and use reference works, etc., in other European languages. At programmes taught in English, it is assumed that the student can read academic text and use reference works, etc., in English.

The following competence profile will appear on the diploma:

A Candidatus graduate has the following competency profile:

A Candidatus graduate has competencies that have been acquired via a course of study that has taken place in a research environment.

A Candidatus graduate is qualified for employment on the labour market based on his or her academic discipline as well as for further research (PhD programmes). A Candidatus graduate has, compared to a Bachelor, developed his or her academic knowledge and independence so as to be able to apply scientific theory and method on an independent basis within both an academic and a professional context.

The graduate of the Master’s programme


  • Has insight into the latest national and international geographic research and its importance and relevance for the study of place and space
  • Must have advanced knowledge of analytical approaches to physical and human aspects of space and time
  • Must have knowledge of theories of science and the methodological foundation of various theories of geography
  • Must have extensive knowledge of the development in place and space based on the best international research within geography
  • Must have ability to perform scientific reflection on relevant geographic theories and methods and to identify scientific problems within development in place and space 
  • Ability to understand, explain and reflect on the potentials and limitations of relevant theories and methods of geography
  • Has knowledge of the implications of research ethics
  • Possesses insight into and understanding of the sociocultural conditions under which strategies, plans and projects within geography are implemented.


  • Can use and employ the methods and tools of geography as well as general skills connected with occupation within the field
  • Can assess and select the appropriate geographical theories, methods, tools and general skills, and on a scientific basis draw upon new modes of analysis and solutions
  • Can reflect on ethical matters in connection with professional practice
  • Can independently make and motivate professionally related decisions and when necessary carry out investigations to procure sufficient information for the basis of decisions
  • Can critically assess development work from a scientific perspective
  • Can represent data in time and space based on data generated by field measurements or numerical models
  • Must be able to assess theoretical and practical problems in connected and disconnected places and to select and motivate relevant projects on the basis of scientific methods
  • Must be able to apply theories, methods and tools within physical and human geography on a scientific basis
  • Ability to identify theories, methods, techniques and tools and create research  within physical and human geographies of place and space
  • Ability to assess and critically evaluate theoretical and practical problems in the field of geography of place and space
  • Ability to communicate research-based knowledge and discuss scientific problems in relation to connected and disconnected places with peers and non-specialists alike


  • Can qualify to be part of public organisations as well as private firms, including NGOs
  • Ability to understand geographical problems related to connected and disconnected places and spaces
  • Ability to initiate and implement new interdisciplinary research and collaborations between the multifarious professions
  • Ability to manage complicated and unpredictable situations in relation to research and planning of work development of connected and disconnected places
  • Ability to contribute to continued professional development and innovation in the field of Geographies of connected and disconnected spaces
  • Can be part of interdisciplinary teams within the field of geography working with the implementation of plans and strategies of relevance in Danish and/or international contexts
  • Can contribute to the development of the profession through conducting research within the field of geography
  • Can maintain focus and reflect on the literature and methods used to develop the scientific basis of the geographical problem studied
  • Can evaluate the scientific progress independently and select and include additional literature, experiments or data when needed in order to maintain a scientific basis for the project
  • Can independently develop own competencies and specialisation

The programme is structured in modules and organised as a problem-based study. A module is a programme element or a group of programme elements, which aims to give students a set of professional skills within a fixed time frame specified in ECTS credits, and concluding with one or more examinations within specific exam periods that are defined in the curriculum.

The programme is based on a combination of academic, problem-based and interdisciplinary approaches and organized based on the following work and evaluation methods that combine skills and reflection:

  • project work
  • lectures
  • classroom instructions
  • study groups
  • workshop
  • exercises
  • laboratory tests
  • measurements and testing in the field
  • field work
  • portfolio work
  • independent study
  • Etc.

The two-disciplinary Master’s degree in geography is planned in accordance with the guideline for academic minimum required standards for university programmes directed towards teaching.

The two-disciplinary master’s degree fulfills the below described academic minimum required standards:

“Det er en forudsætning for, at en kandidat kan opnå faglig kompetence i faget [natur]geografi i de gymnasiale uddannelser, at kandidaten opfylder de nedenfor beskrevne faglige mindstekrav.

Kandidatens uddannelse skal omfatte studieaktiviteter med et samlet omfang på 120 ECTS-point, indeholdende:

  • obligatorisk kernestof på mindst 60 ECTS-point,
  • dybdestof på op til 30 ECTS-point,
  • breddestof på ca. 20 ECTS-point og
  • fagdidaktik og videnskabsteori på ca. 10 ECTS-point.


Kandidaten skal selvstændigt kunne anvende [natur]geografifaget i komplekse sammenhænge, herunder:

  • kende, kunne udvikle og anvende kvalitative og kvantitative metoder og modeller og kritisk kunne diskutere deres gyldighed.
  • analysere et geofagligt problem ud fra forskellige repræsentationer af data og kritisk diskutere mulige løsninger.
  • organisere, strukturere og gennemføre feltarbejde og andet eksperimentelt og problemorienteret arbejde.
  • gennemføre undersøgelser af et komplekst geofagligt fænomen og formidle resultaterne.
  • ud fra egne data, observationer og målinger kunne analysere og fortolke geofaglige udviklingsprocesser i naturen og menneskets omgivelser.
  • være i stand til at formulere og bearbejde problemstillinger og løsninger med et geofagligt indhold med henblik på formidling af faget samt kunne anlægge et aktuelt og vedkommende samfundsperspektiv i arbejdet med disse problemstillinger.

Fagligt stof

Obligatorisk kernstof mindst 60 ECTS-point

Kandidaten skal have et solidt globalt og regionalt kendskab til fagområderne:

  • geologi, herunder geologiske ressourser og deres anvendelse.
  • klimatologi, herunder de natur- og samfundsmæssige faktorer, der påvirker vejr og klima.
  • hydrologi, herunder vandressourser og deres anvendelse.
  • energilære, herunder energiressourser og energiteknologi.
  • by- og regionaludvikling, herunder demografi og erhvervsgeografi.

Endvidere skal kandidaten have solidt kendskab til GIS og kartografi.

Kandidaten skal desuden beherske:

  • geografiske feltarbejds- og analysemetoder med henblik gymnasial undervisning
  • didaktiske og sikkerhedsmæssige overvejelser med henblik på eksperimentelt arbejde og feltarbejde i gymnasial undervisning.

Dybdestof op til ca. 30 ECTS-point.

Kandidaten skal have indgående kendskab til udvalgte faglige områder af betydning for forskning, udvikling eller teknologisk anvendelse. Stoffet skal perspektivere og videreføre progressionen af de faglige emner fra kernestoffet. Emnerne vælges inden for en af universitetet fastsat liste, der bør omfatte eksperimenter og feltarbejde med relevans for [natur]geografi samt fordybelse inden for faglige enkeltdiscipliner.

Breddestof ca. 20 ECTS-point.

Kandidaten skal besidde et basalt kendskab til andre natur- og samfundsvidenskabelige fagområder, som er relevante og nødvendige i forhold til [natur]geografi og fagligt samspil i gymnasial undervisning.

Disse kan omfatte:

  • matematik (bl.a. lineær algebra, statistik og sandsynlighedsregning).
  • økonomi.
  • fysik og kemi .
  • rummets sociologi.

Endelig kan breddestoffet omfatte indsigt i tværvidenskabeligt arbejde.

Fagdidaktik og videnskabsteori på ca. 10 ECTS-point.”

The table below presents an overview of project modules and course modules at the four semesters of the master’s programme.

All modules are assessed through individual grading according to the 7-point scale or Pass/Fail (P/F). All modules are assessed by external examination (external grading) (E) or internal examination (internal grading or by assessment by the supervisor only) (I)

The programme is taught in English.

To-faglige uddannelsesoversigter

For studerende med centralt fag i geografi gælder følgende forløb, hvor de geografifaglige moduler alle hentes i bachelorstudieordningen:

Studieforløbene for uddannelsens mest anvendte gymnasielærerkombinationer er beskrevet i studieordningen, men der udbydes også andre kombinationer, end de beskrevne.

Hvis du er interesseret i en gymnasielærerkombination, der ikke allerede er beskrevet i studieordningen, så udarbejder studienævnet et konkret studieforløb efter henvendelse.

På denne hjemmeside kan du læse mere om Aalborg Universitets udbud af gymnasielæreruddannelser

Der kan for de to-faglige studieforløb komme mindre ændringer af studieforløbet, når den konkrete studieplan laves. Studieplanen vil altid være i overensstemmelse med vejledningen om de faglige mindstekrav for universitetsuddannelser rettet mod undervisning.

De to-faglige forløb foregår på dansk.

Oversigt over tofagsforløbet med geografi som centralt fag og sidefag inden for samme hovedområde

Oversigt oversærligt tofagsforløb med geografi som centralt fag og biologi som sidefag

Oversigt over særligt tofagsforløb med geografi som centralt fag og idræt som sidefag (studietidsforlængelse)

Oversigt over særligt tofagsforløb med geografi som centralt fag og samfundsfag som sidefag (studietidsforlængelse)

Oversigt over tofagsforløbet med geografi som sidefag og hovedfag inden for samme hovedområde

For studerende med sidefag i geografi gælder følgende forløb, hvor de geografifaglige moduler alle hentes i bachelorstudieordningen. 

Oversigt over tofagsforløbet med geografi som sidefag og centralt fag fra andet hovedområde (studietidsforlængelse)

For studerende med sidefag i geografi gælder følgende forløb, hvor de geografifaglige moduler alle hentes i bachelorstudieordningen

The current version of the curriculum is published on the Board of Studies’ website, including more   detailed information about the program, including exams.

All students who have not participated in Aalborg University’s PBL introductory course during their Bachelor’s degree must attend the introductory course “Problem-based Learning and Project Management”. The introductory course must be approved before the student can participate in the project exam. For further information, please see the School of Architecutre, Design and Planning's website. 

This curriculum is approved by the Dean of The Technical Faculty of IT and Design and enters into force as of September 1, 2018 (only 1st semester).

Students who wish to complete their studies under the previous curriculum from 2017 must conclude their education by the summer examination period 2019 at the latest, since examinations under the previous curriculum are not offered after this time.