Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship) 2018

Pursuant to Act 261 of March 18, 2015 on Universities (the University Act) with subsequent changes, the following curriculum is stipulated. The programme also follows the Joint Programme Regulations and the Examination Policies and Procedures for The Faculty of Engineering and Science, The Faculty of Medicine and The Technical Faculty of IT and Design.

The Master’s programme is organised in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Order no. 1328 of November 15, 2016 on Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes at Universities (the Ministerial Order of the Study Programmes) and Ministerial Order no. 1062 of June 30, 2016 on University Examinations (the Examination Order). Further reference is made to Ministerial Order no. 111 of January 30, 2017 (the Admission Order) and Ministerial Order no. 114 of February 3, 2015 (the Grading Scale Order) with subsequent changes.

The programme is offered in Copenhagen.

The Master’s programme falls under the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Aalborg University (AAU).

The Master’s programme falls under the Board of Studies for Electronics and IT.

The Master’s programme is associated with the body of external examiners for engineering educations: electro (In Danish: censorkorps for Ingeniøruddannelsernes landsdækkende censorkorps; elektro).

Applicants with a legal right of admission (retskrav):

Applicants with the following bachelor’s degree are entitled to admission:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering (IT, Communication and New Media), Aalborg University

Applicants without legal right of admission

Bachelor’s programmes qualifying students for admission:

  • Elektronik og IT (AAU)
  • Internetteknologier og computersystemer (AAU)
  • Softwareteknologi (DTU) (BSc or BEng)
  • Netværksteknologi og IT (DTU) (BSc)
  • IT-Elektronik (DTU) (BEng)
  • IT og økonomi (DTU) (BEng)

All students must document English language qualifications comparable to an 'English B level' in the Danish upper secondary school (minimum grade 02).

The Master’s programme entitles the graduate to one of the two designations below depending on the specialisation:

  • Civilingeniør, cand. polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i innovativ kommunikationsteknik og entrepreneurskab med specialisering i serviceudvikling

The English designation is:

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship) with specialisation in Service Development


  • Civilingeniør, cand. polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i innovativ kommunikationsteknik og entrepreneurskab med specialisering i forretningsudvikling

The English designation is:

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship) with specialisation in Business Development

The Master’s programme is a 2-year, research-based, full-time study programme. The programme is set to 120 ECTS credits.

The Study Board can approve successfully completed (passed) programme elements from other Master’s programmes in lieu of programme elements in this programme (credit transfer). The Study Board can also approve successfully completed (passed) programme elements from another Danish programme or a programme outside of Denmark at the same level in lieu of programme elements within this curriculum. Decisions on credit transfer are made by the Study Board based on an academic assessment. See the Joint Programme Regulations for the rules on credit transfer.

In exceptional circumstances, the Study Board study can grant exemption from those parts of the curriculum that are not stipulated by law or ministerial order.  Exemption regarding an examination applies to the immediate examination.

The rules for examinations are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published by the faculty on their website.

In the assessment of all written work, regardless of the language it is written in, weight is also given to the student's formulation and spelling ability, in addition to the academic content. Orthographic and grammatical correctness as well as stylistic proficiency are taken as a basis for the evaluation of language performance. Language performance must always be included as an independent dimension of the total evaluation. However, no examination can be assessed as ‘Pass’ on the basis of good language performance alone; similarly, an examination normally cannot be assessed as ‘Fail’ on the basis of poor language performance alone.

The Study Board can grant exemption from this in special cases (e.g., dyslexia or a native language other than Danish).

The Master’s Thesis must include an English summary (or another foreign language: French, Spanish or German upon approval by the Study Board). If the project is written in English, the summary must be in Danish (The Study Board can grant exemption from this). The summary must be at least 1 page and not more than 2 pages (this is not included in any fixed minimum and maximum number of pages per student). The summary is included in the evaluation of the project as a whole.

It is assumed that the student can read academic texts in his og her native language as well as in English and use reference works etc. 

The following competence profile will appear on the diploma:

A Candidatus graduate has the following competency profile:

A Candidatus graduate has competencies that have been acquired via a course of study that has taken place in a research environment.

A Candidatus graduate is qualified for employment on the labour market based on his or her academic discipline as well as for further research (PhD programmes). A Candidatus graduate has, compared to a Bachelor, developed his or her academic knowledge and independence so as to be able to apply scientific theory and method on an independent basis within both an academic and a professional context.

The programme includes two specialisations:

  • Service development (SD)
  • Business development (BD)

Depending on the chosen specialisation, the graduate of the Master’s programme 1

Knowledgehas knowledge on information and communication technologies (ICT) that, in selected areas, is based on the highest international researchxx
 understands the relevance of the needs of the end users, their use of ICT, and the mechanisms that influence the user experience and the acceptance of new technologiesxx
 understands the importance of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship for ICT solutions and servicesxx
 understands and can reflect, on a scientific basis, on the technical, organisational and market-related drivers in the convergence of ICT, as well as the interplay between technology, market and user issuesxx
 has a holistic understanding of the environment of ICT services and solutions: Scenarios of use, target users, stakeholders, business aspects, and societal implications at largexxx
 has in-depth knowledge of service enablers, personalisation and the use of context information for enrichment of servicesx 
 has in-depth knowledge and understanding of principles and technologies related to privacy, trust, and identity and access managementx 
 has in-depth knowledge of content and media management, metadata and recommender systemsx 
 has knowledge on state-of-the-art network technologies, Internet technologies and service architectures, e.g. Internet of Things, cloud architectures, heterogeneous networks, RESTful architectures, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)x(x)
 has knowledge on ICT standards and standardisation processes, and their significance from a commercialisation and market perspective(x)x
 has in-depth knowledge and understanding of ICT-related business models and cases x
 has in-depth knowledge on economic concepts and tools relevant for preparing a market analysis x
Skillscan identify scientific problems within the field of ICTxx
 can evaluate and select among scientific theories, methods and tools, and – on a scientific basis – advance new analyses and solutions within applied ICTxx
 can efficiently communicate research-based knowledge and discuss professional and scientific problems with both peers and non-specialistsxx
 can produce scientific writing: Articles, reports, documentation, etc.xx
 can apply scientific methods, tools and general skills related to employment within the field of ICTxx
 can identify and select among relevant standards, technologies and methods for development of ICT solutions and servicesxx
 can assess the market, ethical and regulatory framework for application of the technologies(x)x
 can develop innovative services, applications and solutions at a conceptual level, which are relevant in a user perspectivexx
 can develop prototypes or demonstrators of viable ICT solutions and service
  • based on an in-depth analysis of user requirements, technology and market issues,
  • using state-of-the-art methods, technologies and tools, and
  • addressing privacy protection and identity management
 can develop advanced ICT solutions including one or more of the elements: Handling of digital content rights; acquisition and processing of sensor information (e.g. bios-signals); handling of large amounts of data to extract relevant information; recommender systems; advanced programming tools; resource management; and privacy protectionx 
 can assess the implications and business potential of new ICT solutions and services and develop viable business models and strategies x
 can prepare a business plan with a detailed financial analysis for introducing an ICT solution or service x
 can assess the role of existing and emerging ICT solutions and services in relation to sustainable development and evaluate the feasibility of sustainable technologies and solutions x
Competencescan manage work and development situations that are complex, unpredictable and require new solutionsxx
 can independently initiate and implement discipline-specific and interdisciplinary cooperation and assume professional responsibilityxx
 can independently take responsibility for own professional development and specialisationxx
 has competencies in project work and problem based learning in a global/multicultural environmentxx
 can mediate collaboration and information exchange between development- and business-related functions in organisationsxx
 has an in-depth understanding of ICT technologies, enabling creative and innovative solutions and development of thesex 
 has competencies in innovation and entrepreneurship that can be used to transform the potentials of new ICT and media technologies into new solutions and services with an engineering approachx 
 can contribute creatively and innovatively to propose and develop new ICT services/solutions respecting and challenging established legal rules and design principles.x(x)
 has competencies in business development with a holistic perspective, based on a thorough understanding of the interplay between technology, market and users in ICT and media(x)x
 has competencies in innovation and entrepreneurship that can be used to formulate strategies exploiting the potentials of new ICT and media technologies with an engineering approach x

1)  ”(x)” indicates a less extensive, partial coverage of the learning objective, as compared to ”x”.

2) REST: REpresentational State Transfer, refers to a widely used programming model for the web.

The programme is structured in modules and organised as a problem-based study. A module is a programme element or a group of programme elements, which aims to give students a set of professional skills within a fixed time frame specified in ECTS credits, and concluding with one or more examinations within specific exam periods. Examinations are defined in the curriculum.

The programme is based on a combination of academic, problem-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches and organized based on the following work and evaluation methods that combine skills and reflection:

  • lectures
  • classroom instruction
  • project work
  • workshops
  • exercises (individually and in groups)
  • self-study
  • teacher feedback
  • reflection
  • portfolio work

Problem-based learning and scientific methods

In order to ensure a common basis for all students, the first semester project includes a mandatory part on project-organised problem-based learning (POPBL) and scientific methods.

The programme includes two specialisations:

  • Service development
  • Business development

The first semester is common. During this semester students must choose one of the two specialisations, and depending on the specialisation different sets of courses are mandatory and elective on 2nd and 3rd semester. This gives students the freedom to compose their studies, even though they are obliged to choose one of the specialisations. Semester projects and themes will also depend on the chosen specialisation.

All modules are assessed through individual grading according to the 7-point scale or Pass/Fail. All modules are assessed by external examination (external grading) or internal examination (internal grading or by assessment by the supervisor only).

The curriculum contains the following number of elective courses:

  • 1st semester:   No elective courses
  • 2nd semester: 1 course, 5 ECTS
  • 3rd semester:   2 courses, 10 ECTS

The semester structure with an overview of the ECTS credit breakdown for the various semesters by modules is shown in the table. The first semester on “Services and platforms” consists of mandatory courses only, while the following semesters give room for elective courses as shown.  Notice, elective courses might not be offered if less than 10 students sign up.

Service Development:

Business Development:

A specialisation might not be offered if less than 5 students sign up for it.    

Options for 3rd and 4th semester of the programme

Students may choose between different options for the 3rd and 4th semester:

  3rd Semester4th Semester
Option AA regular semester with 3 courses and a 15 ECTS semester project30 ECTS thesis project

Option B

Academic internship in Denmark or abroad (25 ECTS) *) + 1 mandatory course listed under option A (5 ECTS) **)

30 ECTS thesis project
Option C

Long thesis project. The following combinations are possible:

  • Thesis project (45 ECTS) + 1 mandatory course under option A (5 ECTS) + 2 elective courses under option A (2 x 5 ECTS) on the 3rd semester
    • Thesis project (50 ECTS) + 1 mandatory course under option A (5 ECTS) + 1 elective course under option A (5 ECTS) on the 3rd semester
Option DStudy abroad (30 ECTS)30 ECTS thesis project

*) The Academic Internship must have a scope that corresponds the ECTS load.

**) Students on the business development specialisation MUST choose between the two mandatory courses under option A.

The master’s thesis can be conducted as a long master’s thesis. If choosing to do a long master’s thesis, it has to include experimental work and has to be approved by the study board. The amount of experimental work must reflect the allotted ECTS-credits.

The current version of the curriculum is published on the Board of Studies’ website, including more detailed information about the programme.

The curriculum is approved by the Dean of the Technical Faculty of IT and Design and enters into force as of September 2018.

Students who wish to complete their studies under the previous curriculum from 2015 must conclude their education by the 2019 at the latest, since examinations under the previous curriculum are not offered after this time.

Minor aditorial changes have been made in connection with the digitisation of the study curriculum.

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