Curriculum for the Master of Science (MSc) in Energy Engineering 2020

Pursuant to consolidation Act 778 of August 7, 2019 on Universities (the University Act), the following curriculum for the Master of Science programme in Energy Engineering is stipulated. The programme also follows the Joint Programme Regulations and the Examination Policies and Procedures of the Faculty of Engineering and Science.

The Master’s programme is organised in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Order no. 20 of January 9, 2020 on Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes at Universities (the Ministerial Order of the Study Programmes) and Ministerial Order no. 22 of January 9, 2020 on University Examinations (the Examination Order). Further reference is made to Ministerial Order no. 153 of February 26, 2020 (the Admission Order) and Ministerial Order no. 114 of February 3, 2015 (the Grading Scale Order).

The programme is offered in Aalborg.

The Master’s programme falls under the The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University.

The Master’s programme falls under the Study Board of Energy

The Master's programme is affiliated to the nationwide engineering examiners corps: Ingeniøruddannelsernes Censorkorps – Electrical or Mechanical depending on the specialisation.

Applicants with a legal claim to admission (retskrav):

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Energy Engineering, Aalborg University, campus Aalborg
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Sustainable Energy Engineering, Aalborg University, campus Aalborg

Applicants without a legal claim to admission:

Students with the following Bachelor’s Degrees might be admitted to the Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering) with the specialisations in Power Electronics and Drives, Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering and Wind Power Systems, if they have chosen electable courses with a minimum of 5 ECTS within electrical machines and 5 ECTS within power electronics:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electrical Energy Technology, Aarhus University, campus Aarhus
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electrical Energy Technology, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), campus Ballerup
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electrical Power Engineering, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), campus Odense

Students with the following Bachelor’s Degree might be admitted to the Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering) with the specialisation in Power Electronics and Drives:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering (Applied Industrial Electronics), Aalborg University, campus Esbjerg

Students with the following Bachelor’s Degrees might be admitted to the Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering) with the specialisation in Mechatronic Control Engineering:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Energy Engineering, Aalborg University, campus Esbjerg (with the specialisation in Dynamic Systems)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Mechatronics, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), campus Sønderborg

Students with the following Bachelor’s Degree might be admitted to the Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering) with the specialisations in Thermal Energy and Process Engineering and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Energy Engineering, Aalborg University, campus Esbjerg (with the specialisation in Thermal Processes)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Mechanical Engineering, Aarhus University, campus Aarhus

All applicants without a legal claim must prove that their English language qualifications is equivalent to level B (Danish level) in English.

The Master’s programme entitles the graduate to the following designations dpending on the choice of specialisation: 

  • Civilingeniør, cand.polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i Energiteknik med specialisering i Termisk Energi og Procesteknik. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering with specialisation in Thermal Energy and Process Engineering)
  • Civilingeniør, cand.polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i Energiteknik med specialisering i Brændselsceller og Brintteknologi. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering with specialisation in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology)
  • Civilingeniør, cand.polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i Energiteknik med specialisering i Vindmølleteknologi. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering with specialisation in Wind Power Systems)
  • Civilingeniør, cand.polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i Energiteknik med specialisering i Effektelektronik og Elektriske Drivsystemer. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering with specialisation in Power Electronics and Drives)
  • Civilingeniør, cand.polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i Energiteknik med specialisering i Elektriske Anlæg og Højspændingsteknik. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering with specialisation in Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering)
  • Civilingeniør, cand.polyt. (candidatus/candidata polytechnices) i Energiteknik med specialisering i Mekatronisk Reguleringsteknik. The English designation is: Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering with specialisation in Mechatronic Control Engineering)

The Master’s programme is a 2-year, research-based, full-time study programme taught in English. The programme is set to 120 ECTS credits.

The Study Board can approve that passed programme elements from other educational programmes at the same level replaces programme elements within this programme (credit transfer).

Furthermore, the Study Board can, upon application, approve that parts of this programme is completed at another university or a further education institution in Denmark or abroad (pre-approval of credit transfer).

The Study Board’s decisions regarding credit transfer are based on an academic assessment.

The Study Board’s possibilities to grant exemption, including exemption to further examination attempts and special examination conditions, are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website:

The rules for examinations are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website:

In the assessment of all written work, regardless of the language it is written in, weight is also given to the student's formulation and spelling ability, in addition to the academic content. Orthographic and grammatical correctness as well as stylistic proficiency are taken as a basis for the evaluation of language performance. Language performance must always be included as an independent dimension of the total evaluation. However, no examination can be assessed as ‘Pass’ on the basis of good language performance alone; similarly, an examination normally cannot be assessed as ‘Fail’ on the basis of poor language performance alone.

The Study Board can grant exemption from this in special cases (e.g., dyslexia or a native language other than Danish).

The Master’s Thesis must include an English summary. If the project is written in English, the summary can be in Danish. The summary is included in the evaluation of the project as a whole.

It is assumed that the student can read academic texts in modern English and use reference works, etc., in other European languages.

The following competence profile will appear on the diploma:

A Candidatus graduate has the following competency profile:

A Candidatus graduate has competencies that have been acquired via a course of study that has taken place in a research environment.

A Candidatus graduate is qualified for employment on the labour market based on his or her academic discipline as well as for further research (PhD programmes). A Candidatus graduate has, compared to a Bachelor, developed his or her academic knowledge and independence so as to be able to apply scientific theory and method on an independent basis within both an academic and a professional context.

The graduate of the Master of Science programme has the following qualifications:


  • Knowledge about the state of the art of research within their field of specialisation
  • Knowledge on a scientific basis to reflect over subject areas related to energy engineering and identify scientific problems of different types within that area
  • Knowledge and insight into publication ethics in research
  • Knowledge about the ethics related to the social, economic and environmental impact of research
  • Knowledge and comprehension within innovation and entrepreneurship in relation to project work and courses
  • Advanced skills in probability theory and statistics, control theory, simulation techniques and optimisation

In addition, students from the different specialisations have the following knowledge:

  • The specialisation in Thermal Energy and Process Engineering:
    • Advanced knowledge about and comprehension of the conversion and transport processes within advanced thermal and fluid systems
    • Knowledge about the design, modelling, simulation and optimisation of energy systems used in various energy conversion applications
    • Knowledge about the detailed operation, functionality and interactions between the various components of key thermal energy conversion technologies
    • Detailed knowledge regarding system integration with respect to both system efficiency and control aspects of energy systems
  • The specialisation in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology:
    • Advanced knowledge about and comprehension of the conversion and transport processes within fuel cells and hydrogen systems
    • Understanding of the design, modelling, simulation and optimisation of energy systems used in various energy conversion applications involving fuel cell and hydrogen production technology
    • Knowledge about the detailed operation, functionality and interaction between the various components used in fuel cell and hydrogen production systems
    • Detailed knowledge about system integration with respect to both system efficiency and control aspects of fuel cell and hydrogen production systems
  • The specialisation in Wind Power Systems:
    • Advanced knowledge about and comprehension of the electrical area of wind turbine technology i.e. generators, converters, connection of wind turbines to the network grid and analysis of the systems under stationary and contingency situations
    • Knowledge about how to apply test methods and systems for high voltage components (non-destructive) according to applicable standards. This includes testing for electromagnetic compatibility
    • Knowledge and comprehension within operation and control of wind turbines and wind farms
    • Knowledge and comprehension within optimisation theory and its application on wind farms and electrical systems
  • The specialisation in Power Electronics and Drives:
    • Advanced knowledge and comprehension within efficient usage of electrical energy, intelligent energy conversion using power electronic systems and electrical machines
    • Understanding of the operation, function and interaction between various components and sub-systems used in power electronic converters, electric machines and adjustable-speed drives
    • Knowledge enabling the design, modelling, simulation and synthesis of power converter-based systems used for conversion of electric energy
  • The specialisation in Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering:
    • Advanced knowledge and comprehension within production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electric energy both under stationary and contingency situations using the newest technologies in the power system field
    • Knowledge about how to apply test methods and systems for high voltage components (non-destructive) according to applicable standards. This includes testing for electromagnetic compatibility
  • The specialisation in Mechatronic Control Engineering:
    • Knowledge and comprehension within advanced control engineering and understanding of the synergistic aspects in combining mechanical, thermal, electric and control technologies in the design process when designing mechatronic systems
    • Understanding of the importance of physical and mathematical modelling and simulation in mechatronic system design
    • Understanding of more advanced control techniques, e.g. multi-variable control, sliding mode control, adaptive control, feedback linearisation, etc.


  • Be proficient in the scientific methods, tools and general skills related to employment within the subjects of energy engineering
  • Be able to obtain advanced skills in simulation techniques and mathematical methods
  • Be able to evaluate and select among the scientific theories, methods, tools and general skills of the subject area(s) and, on a scientific basis, develop new analyses and solutions
  • Be able to communicate research-based knowledge and discuss professional and scientific problems with both peers and non-specialists
  • Be able to obtain skills which are related to his/her field within energy engineering
  • Be able to use advanced laboratory test set-ups and data collection, storing and processing methods
  • Have experience with the application of e-learning methods

In addition, the different specialisations have the following skills:

  • The specialisation in Thermal Energy and Process Engineering:
    • The ability to develop, construct and understand the operation of thermal energy conversion systems in the laboratory and in real applications
  • The specialisation in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technology:
    • The ability to construct and understand the operation of fuel cell based systems in the laboratory and in real applications
    • Analytical skills in system integration with respect to system efficiency and control aspects of fuel cell energy systems
  • The specialisation in Wind Power Systems:
    • The ability to analyse the dynamic behaviour of wind turbine systems when they are connected to a power system with varying loads
    • The ability to analyse the load flow in wind power systems, including reactive power flow and the ability to analyse the stability in wind power systems
    • The ability to analyse the power quality of the system and to determine the need for power compensation
    • The ability to synthesise control systems for different types of wind turbine systems and to analyse the power electronic interface between wind turbines and grids
    • The ability to implement optimisation in a wind farm and design its electrical system
  • The specialisation in Power Electronics and Drives:
    • Experience in the design of controllers for power electronic drive systems using classical and modern control theory
    • Experience with the practical implementation of controllers using for example digital signal processors
    • The ability to develop, construct, operate and test power electronic converters and drives in the laboratory
    • Experience in relation to renewable energy and grid connected converters
  • The specialisation in Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering:
    • The ability to apply different methods of analysis and synthesis for design and simulation of various electrical power systems both in stationary and in contingency situations
    • The ability to apply different control and surveillance systems for control of the network grid. This will include power system protection and the application of power electronic compensation units
  • The specialisation in Mechatronic Control Engineering:
    • The ability to include the controller design as an integrated part of the mechatronic design process
    • The ability to apply different methods of analysis and synthesis for design and simulation of various mechatronic systems


  • Be able to demonstrate an understanding of research work and be able to become a part of the research environment and perform oral and written scientific communication
  • Be able to manage work and development in situations that are complex, unpredictable and require new solutions within the area of energy engineering
  • Have project manager and project management experience
  • Be able to independently initiate and implement discipline-specific and interdisciplinary cooperation and assume professional responsibility, also with external partners
  • Be able to work with different kinds of projects like discipline-oriented, cross-disciplinary projects, multi projects (where several groups within the department are working together on a larger project, solving different parts of the project) and MEGA projects (where groups from several departments are involved on a large project contributing each within their specific area for a total solution)
  • Be able to independently take responsibility for own professional development and specialisation and be able to collaborate in groups according to the PBL Model

Upon completion of the MSc programme, the student has achieved advanced professional competence in production, distribution and the usage of electrical, thermal and/or mechanical energy together with design, control, modelling, simulation and optimisation of energy or mechatronic systems. The competences should advance the students ability to perform in functions within planning, development, consulting and research in Danish as well as international industries or public institutions. Examples could be research and development departments or managing positions in energy supply companies; wind, machine, or process industry together with electro-technical and consultancy companies, etc.

The programme is structured in modules and organised as a problem based study. A module is a programme element or a group of programme elements which aims to give students a set of professional skills within a fixed time frame specified in ECTS credits and concluding with one or more examinations within specific exam periods. Examination formats are defined in the modules of the present curriculum.

The programme is based on a combination of academic, problem oriented and interdisciplinary approaches and organised based on the following types of instruction that combine skills and reflection:

  • lectures
  • project work
  • workshops
  • exercises (individually and in groups)
  • e-learning in different ways such as flipped classroom, blended learning, game or quiz, etc.
  • teacher feedback
  • reflection
  • portfolio work
  • study circle
  • self-study

1st to 4th semesters of the programme are taught in English, and projects are to be written in English.

The structure of the Master of Science study programme is shown in the following figure

MSc Programme in Energy Engineering

Background (Objective of 1st semester)

The objective of the 1st semester on the Master of Science programme in Energy Engineering is to prepare the students to follow one of the six specialisations offered:

  • Thermal Energy and Process Engineering
  • Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
  • Wind Power Systems
  • Power Electronics and Drives
  • Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering
  • Mechatronic Control Engineering

For students with a Bachelor’s degree from another university, an introductory 1st semester is mandatory (called INTRO semester), in which a basic course is taught to familiarize the students with Problem Based Learning, besides the engineering courses belonging to the specialisation. Furthermore, an extra course in Control Theory and Matlab is held for the INTRO semester students.

Content (Project work on 1st semester)

For students with a Bachelor’s degree from Aalborg University
The students are required to acquire knowledge about scientific English and the project work will be documented by a scientific paper, a summary report, a poster and a presentation at a conference, all in English.

For students with a Bachelor’s degree from another university (INTRO semester students)
Here the focus is on the problem based, project organised learning method used at Aalborg University. The students will write a project report documenting their project work. The students must attend “Project Based Learning and Project Management” to gain knowledge about the problem based teaching method used at Aalborg University.

AAU Micro

AAU Micro are small e-learning modules of limited, well-defined scope. AAU Micro modules are extra-curricular but may be employed to support learning in curricular course and project modules.  

All modules are assessed through individual grading according to the 7-point grading scale or Passed/Not passed. All modules are assessed by the supervisor/lecturer together with an external examiner (external assessment) or with an additional examiner (internal assessment).

Control Theory and MATLAB (INTRO): For students with a Bachelor’s degree from another university (INTRO semester students) only.

3rd semester: The student may follow a relevant study as a guest student (30 ECTS) at another university in Denmark or abroad, see details in Moodle. However the student’s special preferences for the semester must be approved by the Study Board in advance.

Instead of doing the project work and the elective courses, the student can do project work in a company as an individual or as a part of a group. See details in Moodle. However the student’s special preferences for the semester must be approved by the Study Board in advance.

Elective courses on 3rd semester MSc

In addition to the project work, the students should choose 10 ECTS courses on the 3rd semester MSc. The Study Board of Energy offers a portfolio of various, elective courses covering the technical aspects for the thermal, electrical and mechatronic specialisations with reference to well-defined research programmes which reflect the current research focus of the Department of Energy Technology. Each year the Study Board of Energy selects a number of the courses below to be announced as the year’s elective courses (6 to 10). Based on the number of students assigned to each of these courses, 2 to 6 courses will be taught covering broadly all specialisations. 

The elective courses approved by the Study Board of Energy are given in the following overview.

Non-linear Control and Multi-body Systems: This course is not offered to the students on the Mechatronic Control Engineering specialisation since they have already had this course.

Courses from other specialisations at Aalborg University or from other universities might be relevant too. Nevertheless, the courses must be approved by the Study Board of Energy in advance.

All students, who have not participated in Aalborg University’s PBL introductory course during their Bachelor’s degree, must attend the introductory course “Problem-based Learning and Project Management”. The introductory course must be approved before the student can participate in the project exam. For further information, please see the module description.

The current version of the study curriculum is published on the Aalborg University website for study curricula and the Study Board's website.

Additional information about semester descriptions is available in Moodle. Moodle provides study-related information, i.e. course descriptions, course literature, timetables and information about activities and events.

The curriculum is approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science and enters into force as of September 1, 2020.

The Study Board does not offer teaching after the previous curriculum from 2017 after the summer examination 2021. 

The Study Board will offer examinations after the previous curriculum, if there are students who have used examination attempts in a module without passing. The number of examination attempts follows the rules in the Examination Order.

November 19 2020: the Pro-dean of Education has approved, that the Master Thesis modules of 50 ECTS and 30 ECTS are updated on the two specialisations ”Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology” and “Mechatronic Control Engineering”. The exemption is valid from spring 2021.

November 20 2020: the Pro-dean of Education has approved changes to the examination form of the module "Biomass Conversion and Biofuels". The exemption is valid from September 2021.

The Vice-dean has on November 24, 2023, approved an addition of Micro Modules in section 17, valid from spring 2024.

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