Curriculum for the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration, 2022

1: Preface

Pursuant to consolidation Act 172 of February 27, 2018 on Universities (the University Act) with subsequent changes, the following is established.

The programme also follows the Examination Policies and Procedures for Aalborg University.

2: Basis in Ministerial orders

The Bachelor’s programme is organised in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Order no. 2285 of December 1, 2021 on Full-time University Programmes (the University Programme Order) and Ministerial Order no. 2271 of December 1, 2021 on University Examinations (the Examination Order). Further reference is made to Ministerial Order no. 104 of January 24, 2021 (the Admission Order) and Ministerial Order no. 114 of February 3, 2015 (the Grading Scale Order).

3: Campus

The programme is offered in Aalborg.

4: Faculty affiliation

The Bachelor’s programme falls underThe Faculty of Social Sciences, Aalborg University.

5: Study board affiliation

The Bachelor’s programme falls under Study Board of Economics and Business Administration

6: Affiliation to corps of external examiners

The Bachelor’s programme is associated with the external examiners corps on External Examiners Corps on Business Administration.

7: Admission requirements

Admission requires an upper secondary education.

According to the Admission Order, the programme’s specific entry requirements are:

  • Danish A
  • English B
  • History B or History of Ideas B or International Economics B or Social Studies B or Contemporary History B
  • Mathematics B

8: The programme title in Danish and English

The Bachelor’s programme entitles the graduate to the Danish designation Bachelor (BSc) i erhvervsøkonomi, HA. The English designation is: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration.

9: Programme specifications in ECTS credits

The Bachelor’s programme is a 3-year, research-based, full-time study programme. The programme is set to 180 ECTS credits.

10: Rules concerning credit transfer (merit), including the possibility for choice of modules that are part of another programme at a university in Denmark or abroad

The Study Board can approve that passed programme elements from other educational programmes at the same level replaces programme elements within this programme (credit transfer).

Furthermore, the Study Board can, upon application, approve that parts of this programme is completed at another university or a further education institution in Denmark or abroad (pre-approval of credit transfer).

The Study Board’s decisions regarding credit transfer are based on an academic assessment.

11: Exemptions

The Study Board’s possibilities to grant exemption, including exemption to further examination attempts and special examination conditions, are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website:

12: Rules for examinations

The rules for examinations are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published at this website:

13: Rules concerning written work, including the Bachelor’s project

In the assessment of all written work, regardless of the language it is written in, weight is also given to the student's formulation and spelling ability, in addition to the academic content. Orthographic and grammatical correctness as well as stylistic proficiency are taken as a basis for the evaluation of language performance. Language performance must always be included as an independent dimension of the total evaluation. However, no examination can be assessed as ‘Pass’ on the basis of good language performance alone; similarly, an examination normally cannot be assessed as ‘Fail’ on the basis of poor language performance alone.

The Study Board can grant exemption from this in special cases (e.g., dyslexia or a native language other than Danish).

The Bachelor’s project must include an English summary. If the project is written in English, the summary can be in Danish. The summary is included in the evaluation of the project as a whole.

14: Requirements regarding the reading of texts in a foreign language

It is assumed that the student can read academic texts in English and use reference works, etc., in English and other European languages.

15: Competence profile on the diploma

The following competence profile will appear on the diploma:

A graduate of the Bachelor's programme has competencies acquired through an educational programme that has taken place in a research environment.

A graduate of the Bachelor's programme has fundamental knowledge of and insight into his/her subject's methods and scientific foundation. These properties qualify the graduate of the Bachelor’s programme for further education in a relevant Master’s programme as well as for employment on the basis of the educational programme

16: Competence profile of the programme

The purpose of the bachelor's programme in Economics and Business Administration is that the candidate has the following competence profile after graduation:


  • Must possess knowledge of theory, methodology and practice in business economics.
  • Must be able to understand and reflect on theories, methodology and practice.


  • Must be able to apply business methods and tools, as well as general and digital skills related to employment in business.
  • Must be able to assess theoretical and practical problems and justify and choose appropriate solutions.
  • Must be able to communicate professional issues and solutions to peers and non-specialists or collaborators and users.


  • Must be able to handle complex and development-oriented situations in study or work contexts.
  • Must be able to work independently in academic and multidisciplinary collaboration with a professional approach.
  • Must be able to identify own learning needs and structure own learning in different learning environments.


The employer can expect the graduate to be able to:

  • contribute proactively to organising and conducting analyses of key business issues and make propositions as to how to put this knowledge into practice.
  • compare theoretical and practical business issues and present the advantages and disadvantages in relation to these
  • independently translate and apply economic methods and models in relation to business issues.
  • contribute professionally to professional and interdisciplinary team processes related to business issues.
  • independently and together with others be able to translate theoretical knowledge in business economics into concrete solutions.
  • provide business advice on issues of business importance.
  • translate theoretical and professional practical knowledge and insights in business economics into understandable messages for different audiences.

The bachelor programme in economics and business administration prioritises student development and learning. This is expressed through expectations of what the student will acquire in terms of knowledge, skills and competences through the programme and the individual modules.

The course is based on a problem-based learning (PBL) approach, where the student's ability to identify, analyse and make recommendations on concrete and current issues is supported independently and with others through both project and course activities.

PBL is an integral part of the project work and course activities, including lectures, case work, exercises and company collaboration.

Interdisciplinarity, teamwork, individual learning and progression in PBL skills are highly valued in the programme. Student will, independently and in interaction with others, gradually strengthen their ability in order to build and combine practice and theoretically anchored competences in a reflective way.

Furthermore, the student can argue and translate arguments into concrete solutions.

The programme supports PBL progression by strengthening students' problem-oriented, interpersonal, structural and reflective competences. This is done by exploring and gaining experience with different issues, collaborative relationships, project forms and reflection processes.

The aim is that the student's curiosity, motivation and interest in the core business disciplines of the bachelor programme should have the optimal opportunities to be acted upon and fulfilled.

17: Structure and Contents of the programme

The bachelor’s in Economics and Business Administration enables the student to identify and analyse key business issues in an interdisciplinary perspective and to develop concrete solutions that are of commercial relevance.

The student acquires business skills throughout the programme to manage internal processes in a new or established company and organisation in general, as well as external processes where interaction with the company's environment is crucial.

The programme includes a wide range of theory, scientific methodology, including applied quantitative and qualitative methods and other tools to analyse business issues. This is accomplished mainly through case work, collaboration applying general practice, project work, exercises, seminars and lectures, exploring the interaction between theory and practice.

The student's knowledge, skills and competences are developed during the programme through problem-oriented learning, both individually and in teams, which enables the student to collaborate, communicate and manage tasks related to concrete business issues.

The education is based on a combination of academic, problem-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches and is organised around the following forms of work and evaluation, combining skills and professional reflection:

  • lectures
  • classroom teaching
  • project work
  • workshops
  • task solving (individually and in groups)
  • teacher feedback
  • peer review
  • digitally supported education
  • professional reflection
  • portfolio work

Rules on the course of the bachelor programme

Before the end of the first year of the bachelor programme, the student must take all first-year examinations in order to continue the programme. The first year of studies must be completed no later than the end of the second year after commencing studies for the student to continue with the bachelor's programme.

However, in exceptional cases the study board may waive the above.

18: Overview of the programme

Offered as: 1-professional
Module name Course type ECTS Applied grading scale Evaluation method Assessment method Language
1 Semester
Introduction to Business Studies
Project 15 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationOral exam based on a project Danish
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten or oral exam Danish
Applied Business Mathematics
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten or oral exam Danish
PBL, Project Management and Philosophy of Science
Course 5 Passed/Not PassedInternal examinationOral exam Danish
2 Semester
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten or oral exam Danish
Applied Business Statistics
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten or oral exam Danish
Project 15 7-point grading scaleExternal examinationOral exam based on a project English
Financial Accounting
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten exam Danish
3 Semester
Basic Business Law
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten exam Danish
Applied Quantitative Methods
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationOral exam based on a project English
Management Accounting
Course 10 7-point grading scaleExternal examinationWritten or oral exam Danish
Course 10 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationOral exam based on a project English
4 Semester
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Models
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten or oral exam English
Applied Qualitative Methods
Course 10 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationOral exam based on a project Danish
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Course 5 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten exam Danish
Course 10 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten exam English
5 Semester
Real Time Business Economic Challenges
Project 15 7-point grading scaleExternal examinationOral exam based on a project Danish and English
Course 10 7-point grading scaleInternal examinationWritten exam Danish
Advanced Applied Philosophy of Science
Course 5 Passed/Not PassedInternal examinationWritten exam Danish and English
6 Semester
BSc Project
Project 20 7-point grading scaleExternal examinationMaster's thesis/final project Danish and English
Electives 10

Module name Course type ECTS Applied grading scale Evaluation Method Assessment method Language
Advanced Topics in Marketing
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written or oral exam English
International Business
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written exam English
Consolidated Financial Accounting
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written exam Danish
Advanced Management Accounting
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written or oral exam Danish
Business Models and Value Creation
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written or oral exam English
Investment and Portfolio Management
Course 5 Passed/Not Passed Internal examination Written exam English
Information Technology in Business
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written or oral exam English
Advanced Organization, Strategy and Leadership
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Oral exam Danish
Advanced Business Law for Entrepreneurs
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written or oral exam Danish
Extended Commercial Law International Buying and Selling
Course 5 7-point grading scale Internal examination Written or oral exam Danish and English

In the Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration, philosophy of science and scientific method are an integral part of the teaching and appear particularly in the following modules:

  • Applied Business Mathematics
  • PBL, Project Management and Philosophy of Science
  • Applied Quantitative Methods
  • Applied Qualitative Methods
  • Real Time Business Economic Challenges
  • Advanced Applied Philosophy of Science
  • BSc Project

Prior to each registration period, the Study Board informs the students about which electives from the curriculum that will be offered in the coming semester.

The Study Board reserve the right not to provide elective subjects if the number of students signed up do not meet the minimum requirements. If an elective course is not provided, the students will be offered other options.   

19: Additional information

For further information please visit the programmes website.

Regulations regarding written products are to be found here.

20: Commencement and transitional rules

The curriculum is approved by the dean and enters into force as of 1 September 2022.

The Study Board does not offer teaching after the previous curriculum from 2020 after the summer examination 2024.

The Study Board will offer examinations after the previous curriculum, if there are students who have used examination attempts in a module without passing. The number of examination attempts follows the rules in the Examination Order.

21: Amendments to the curriculum and regulations

The Vice-dean has on May 12, 2022, approved prerequisites for participating in the exam in the module "Real Time Business Economic Challenges" valid as of autumn 2022.

The Vice-dean has on June 10, 2022, approved to change the examination from oral to written in the module "Strategy" valid as of autumn 2022.

The Vice-dean has on November 30, 2022, approved a revision of the module ”Advanced Organization, Strategy and Leadership” valid as of spring 2023.

The Vice-dean has on November 22, 2023, approved to change the examination from Oral exam based on a project to oral in the module "Advanced Organization, Strategy and Leadership".  A prerequisite for enrollment for the exam has been added. 

The Vice-dean has on November 22, 2023, approved the addition of the electives "Advanced Business Law for Entrepreneurs" and "Extended Commercial Law and International Buing and Selling" valid as of spring 2024.